Department of Engineering

Div S Projects

The Projects listed here are the core set available for members of Division S and Divisional IT Staff. They are all relatively generic representing general areas of work rather than finite duration projects in the conventional sense. The complete list is available from the live system and will contain other Projects, mainly more specific ones with a limited lifespan representing current projects (in the conventional sense).

The projects are listed in sections with the more specific Projects in the first section and the more generic in the last. As such a matching Project from an earlier section should be selected in preference to one from a later section but please read the notes in each section to check that the projects do match.

Specific Div S Work Areas

The following Projects are for the main Div S departmental support tasks and should be used where applicable. Note that these are all are accounted to internal Departmental cost centres and are therefore not applicable to work which should be charged to external funds. Division-specific (as opposed to departmental) support is listed in a separate section below.

55 Computer Room SRF Infrastructure
42 Core IT Infrastructure Support
43 Departmental Network Support
44 Departmental Telephone Support
73 Div S Staff Management
74 Div S Staff Training (being trained)
70 Providing Training to Staff
41 DPO and EIETL Teaching Support
75 Exam/Course Admin
72 Library support
39 School of Technology Support
63 University Support/Business

The following Project is somewhat more generic and covers both general administration for the Division (but not including Staff Management and Training which are separately listed above) and IT support for this.

53 Div S Administration

Support for the Department's administration generally should be accounted to Div V Administrative Support (see below under Administrative Support).


The following Projects are for any teaching of students (lecturing, demonstrating, etc, and preparation for these). Part II teaching should be attributed to the appropriate Division (A-F) whereas Part I should be accounted to the Teaching Office, i.e. Div T Teaching. The provision of IT support for teaching is covered in a separate section below.

76 Div A Teaching
77 Div B Teaching
78 Div C Teaching
79 Div D Teaching
80 Div E Teaching
81 Div F Teaching
82 Div T Teaching (mainly Part I)
83 Other Teaching (inc College supervisions)

Generic Research Grant Support

The following can be used for one-off timesheet entries for the support of a research grant. The research project's cost centre and the requester's id will have to be entered on the timesheet. If support is likely to be provided for a research project on more than a one-off or occasional basis, it is probably better to create a specific Project for it.

38 Support for grant XYZ

Generic Divisional Support

This section lists Projects which can be attributed to a Division but nothing more specific than this. In some cases a large piece of work may require a new project to be created for it. Cloning it from one of those below may be useful so that the link is maintained for reporting purposes.

Research Support

The following are generic projects which can be used where nothing more specific exists, e.g. a specific research grant. In many cases a requester ID will be required but other than this, they give rather little information to the Division about what was done and why and hence should not be used for large pieces of work.

33 Div A Research Support
34 Div B Research Support
32 Div C Research Support
35 Div D Research Support
36 Div E Research Support
37 Div F Research Support

Teaching Support

The following covers general IT support for teaching. As for the Projects above for teaching students, Part II teaching should be attributed to the appropriate Division (A-F) whereas Part I should be accounted to the Teaching Office, i.e. Div T Teaching. Note that there is potentially overlap with Project 41 above (DPO and EIETL Teaching Support) but that is mainly intended for Infrastructure COs providing general support in those areas whereas these Projects would be more applicable to a Divisional CO providing support to Teaching Staff in their Division.

46 Div A Teaching Support
47 Div B Teaching Support
48 Div C Teaching Support
49 Div D Teaching Support
50 Div E Teaching Support
51 Div F Teaching Support
52 Div T Teaching Support

Administrative Support

These projects cover divisional support which cannot be attributed specifically to teaching or research but which supports the division's general operations, administration and business processes.

64 Div A Administrative Support
65 Div B Administrative Support
66 Div C Administrative Support
67 Div D Administrative Support
68 Div E Administrative Support
69 Div F Administrative Support
54 Div T Administrative Support
40 Div V Administrative Support
56 Div W Administrative Support