How to contact us

We are passionate about Engineering. We want to raise awareness of the diversity of Engineering as a profession. Come and study Engineering with us. We offer:
- Tours of the Department of Engineering for school groups
- Hands-on activities for families, schools and community groups
- Public lectures
- Residential events
Many events are free, all events are challenging, stimulating and fun.
Information about forthcoming events is spread through our mailing lists. The Family Mailing List is a general list that receives information about activities suitable for a wide range of ages. This includes the Discover Engineering Family Workshops held on 5 Saturdays per year at the Department. The Teenage Families Mailing List is aimed at older participants and passes on information about public lectures and university admissions events. Anyone is welcome to join these lists, including those who work or volunteer with budding Engineers.
Contact us to find out more about our Outreach work and how it can help you or to join the mailing lists: