A Service of Thanksgiving

for the Life of


Anthony John Tootal


9th December 1947

18th November 2005


Monday 5 December 2005

at 4.30 p.m.



Order of Service


J. S. Bach, Olivier Messiaen: Organ music


Maurice Duruflé: Chant Donné


César Franck: Panis Angelicus


Panis angelicus           The bread of angels

fit panis hominum;      becomes the bread of mankind;

dat panis cælicus         The bread of heaven

figuris terminum:        brings an end to illusion.

O res mirabilis!           O great marvel,

manducat Dominum    that a pauper, a humble servant,

pauper, servus et humilis.                               should eat the Lord’s body.


Introduction      The Reverend Ruth Adams, Chaplain


§ Please stand


          Dear Lord and Father of mankind,

              Forgive our foolish ways!

          Re-clothe us in our rightful mind,

          In purer lives thy service find,

              In deeper reverence praise.


          In simple trust like theirs who heard,

              Beside the Syrian sea,

          The gracious calling of the Lord,

          Let us, like them, without a word

              Rise up and follow thee.


          O Sabbath rest by Galilee!

              O calm of hills above,

          Where Jesus knelt to share with thee

          The silence of eternity,

              Interpreted by love!


          Drop thy still dews of quietness,

              Till all our strivings cease;

          Take from our souls the strain and stress,

          And let our ordered lives confess

              The beauty of thy peace.


          Breathe through the heats of our desire

              Thy coolness and thy balm;

          Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;

          Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,

          O still small voice of calm!


Tune: ‘Repton’ - C. H. H. Parry, 1848-1918

Words: John Whittier, 1807-92


§ Please sit


Maurice Duruflé: Requiem

I. lntroït

Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine,

et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Te decet hymnus, Deus in Sion,

et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.

Exaudi orationem meam: ad te omnis caro veniet.

Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine,

et lux perpetua luceat eis.


Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,

and may perpetual light shine upon them.

Thou, O God, art praised in Sion,

and unto thee shall the vow be performed in Jerusalem.

Hear my prayer: until thee all flesh shall come.

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,

and may perpetual light shine upon them.


II. Kyrie

Kyrie eleison,                              Lord, have mercy;

Christe eleison,                              Christ, have mercy;

Kyrie eleison.                              Lord, have mercy.


Psalm 150                               

O praise God in his holiness:

  praise him in the firmament of his power.

Praise him in his noble acts:

  praise him according to his excellent greatness.

Praise him in the sound of the trumpet:

  praise him upon the lute and harp.

Praise him in the cymbals and dances:

  praise him upon the strings and pipe.

Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals:

  praise him upon the loud cymbals.

Let everything that hath breath:

  praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son:

  and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be:

  world without end.  Amen.


Maurice Duruflé: Requiem

IV. Sanctus

Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth.

Pleni sunt cœli et terra gloria tua.

Hosanna in excelsis.

Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.

Hosanna in excelsis.


Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth;

heaven and earth are full of thy glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.


Address    The Vice Chancellor, on behalf of the University


Maurice Duruflé: Requiem

V. Pie Jesu

Pie Jesu, Domine, dona eis requiem, sempiternam requiem.


Merciful Jesus, Lord, grant them rest, eternal rest.


VIII. Libera me

Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna,

in die illa tremenda, quando cœli movendi sunt et terra,

dum veneris iudicare sæculum per ignem.

Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo,

dum discussio venerit, atque ventura ira,

quando cœli movendi sunt et terra.

Dies illa, dies iræ, calamitatis et miseriæ,

dies magna et amara valde.

Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine,

et lux perpetua luceat eis.


Deliver me, O Lord, from everlasting death

on that dreadful day when the heavens and the earth shall be moved,

when thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.

I quake with fear and I tremble,

awaiting the day of account and the wrath to come,

when the heavens and the earth shall be moved.

That day, the day of anger, of calamity, of misery,

that day, that great day, that most bitter day.

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,

and may perpetual light shine upon them.


Ezra Pound: The Altar          

            Let us build here an exquisite friendship,

            The flame, the autumn, and the green rose of love

            Fought out their strife here, ’tis a place of wonder;

            Where these have been, meet ’tis, the ground is holy.


§ Please sit or kneel


Prayers, ending with the Lord’s Prayer:


All           Our Father which art in heaven,

               hallowed be thy name;

               thy kingdom come;

               thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. 

               Give us this day our daily bread;

               and forgive us our trespasses,

               as we forgive them that trespass against us. 

               And lead us not into temptation,

               but deliver us from evil. 

               For thine is the kingdom,

               the power, and the glory,

               for ever and ever.  Amen.


§ Please stand


The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended,

    The darkness falls at thy behest;

To thee our morning hymns ascended,

    Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.


We thank thee that thy Church unsleeping,

    While earth rolls onward into light,

Through all the world her watch is keeping,

    And rests not now by day or night.


As o’er each continent and island

    The dawn leads on another day,

The voice of prayer is never silent,

    Nor dies the strain of praise away.


The sun that bids us rest is waking

    Our brethren ’neath the western sky,

And hour by hour fresh lips are making

    Thy wondrous doings heard on high.


So be it, Lord; thy throne shall never,

    Like earth’s proud empires, pass away;

Thy kingdom stands, and grows for ever,

    Till all thy creatures own thy sway.


Words: John Ellerton 1826-93

Music: ‘St Clement’ - Clement Scholefield 1839-1904


§ Please sit


Address  Luke Rittner, on behalf of Anthony’s family


Maurice Duruflé: Requiem

IX. In Paradisum

In Paradisum deducant te angeli,

in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres,

et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.

Chorus angelorum te suscipiat,

et cum Lazaro quondam paupere

æternam habeas requiem.


May the angels lead thee into Paradise,

at thy coming may the martyrs receive thee

and bring thee into the holy city Jerusalem. 

There may the chorus of angels receive thee,

and with Lazarus, once a beggar,

mayst thou have eternal rest.


The Blessing


J. S. Bach: Fugue in E flat, bwv 552, “St Anne”


During the Voluntary the family will leave the Chapel first.



Members of the congregation are invited to join the family

for refreshments in the Great Drawing Room of the Master’s Lodge

(by kind permission of the Master and
Professor Caroline Humphrey).





The Tootal family would like to express their thanks to everyone who has been involved in Anthony’s care.



The proceeds of the retiring collection will be divided between  Arthur Rank House and a singing bursary which will be established in Anthony’s memory.