Hugh Hunt

Home page, email: hemh1 (at)

Publications at 19 October 2014

Journal, Articles and Book Chapters (Refereed)

  1. 2014 Coulier, P. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Experimental study of a stiff wave barrier in gelatine", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 66 pp. 459-463
  2. 2014 Hussein, M.F.M., Francois, S., Schevenels, M., Hunt, H.E.M., Talbot, J.P., Degrande, G. "The fictitious force method for efficient calculation of vibration from a tunnel embedded in a multi-layered half-space", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(25) pp 6996-7018.
  3. 2013 Kuo, K.A. and Hunt, H.E.M., "An efficient model for the dynamic behaviour of a single pile in viscoelastic soil", Journal of Sound and Vibration 332(10):2549-2561.
  4. 2013 Kuo, K.A. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Dynamic models of piled foundations", Applied Mechanics Reviews 65(3), ISSN 0003-6900
  5. 2012 Davidson, P., Burgoyne, C.J., Hunt, H.E.M., and Causier, M. "Lifting options for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering: advantages of tethered balloon systems", Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 370(1974):4263-4300
  6. 2012 Jones, S., Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M., and Hunt, H.E.M. "Prediction uncertainties and inaccuracies resulting from common assumptions in modelling vibration from underground railways" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 226(5):501-512
  7. 2012 Jones, S. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Predicting surface vibration from underground railways through inhomogeneous soil" Journal of Sound and Vibration 331(9) 2055-2069.
  8. 2012 Jones, S. and Hunt, H.E.M. "The effect of inclined soil layers on surface vibration from underground railways using the thin-layer method", Journal of Engineering Mechanics 137(12) 887-900.
  9. 2012 Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M., and Hunt, H.E.M. "The Effects of a Second Tunnel on the Propagation of Ground-Borne Vibration from an Underground Railway", Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design Volume 118, pp 307-314
  10. 2011 Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "The effect of a twin tunnel on the propagation of ground-borne vibration from an underground railway ", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330(25) pp. 6203-6222
  11. 2011 Jain, S. and Hunt, H.E.M. "A dynamic model to predict the occurrence of skidding in wind-turbine bearings", Journal of Physics: Conf Ser 305(1) 2027
  12. 2011 Jones, S. and Hunt, H.E.M., "The effect of inclined soil layers on surface vibration from underground railways using the thin-layer method", ASCE J. Engineering Mechanics, 137(12):887-900
  13. 2011 Jones, S. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Voids at the tunnel-soil interface for calculation of ground vibration from underground railways", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330(2) pp. 245-270
  14. 2010 Jones, S., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Use of PiP to investigate the effect of a free surface on ground vibration due to underground railways", Acoustics Australia, 38(1) pp. 20-24
  15. 2010 Box, S., Bishop, C.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A Stochastic Six-Degree-of-Freedom Flight Simulator for Passively Controlled High Power Rockets", J. Aerospace Engineering 24(1) 31-45 http
  16. 2009 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "On the Performance of Base-Isolated Buildings", Collected Papers in Building Acoustics: Sound Transmission, Edited by: Barry Gibbs et al., Multi-science Publishing, ISBN 978-1-907132-10-0
  17. 2009 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Isolation of Buildings from Rail-tunnel Vibration", Collected Papers in Building Acoustics: Sound Transmission, Edited by: Barry Gibbs et al., Multi-science Publishing, ISBN 978-1-907132-10-0
  18. 2009 Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A numerical model for calculating vibration due to a harmonic moving load on a floating-slab tracks with discontinuous slabs in an underground railway tunnel". Journal of Sound and Vibration, 321(1-2), pp.363-374.
  19. 2009 Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M. "A computationally efficient software application for calculating vibration from underground railways". J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 181 [PDF]
  20. 2008, Hunt, H.E.M., " Types of Rail Roughness and the Selection of Vibration Isolation Measures", Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems, Springer Berlin, Volume 99/2008, ISBN 978-3-540-74892-2, pp 341-347.
  21. 2008 Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., Rikse, L., Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Talbot, J.P., Francois, S. and Schevenels, M., "Using the PiP Model for Fast Calculation of Vibration from a Railway Tunnel in a Multi-layered Half-Space", Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems, Springer Berlin, Volume 99/2008, ISBN 978-3-540-74892-2, pp 136-142.
  22. 2007 Gupta, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Degrande, G., Hunt, H.E.M. and Clouteau, D. "A comparison of two numerical models for the prediction of vibrations from underground railway traffic". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27(7), 608-624
  23. 2007 Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A numerical model for calculating vibration from a railway tunnel embedded in a full-space". Journal of Sound and Vibration 305(3), 401-431
  24. 2007 Hussein, M.F.M, Gupta, S., Hunt, H.E.M., Degrande, G. and Talbot, J.P. "A computationally efficient model for calculating vibration from a railway tunnel buried in a half-space". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
  25. 2007 Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., "Ground-borne vibration transmission from road and rail systems - Prediction and control". Crocker, M.J., ed. Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1458-1469
  26. 2006 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M., "A numerical model for calculating vibration from underground railways", Journal of Sound and Vibration.
  27. 2006 Gupta, G., Hussein, M.F.M., Degrande, G., Hunt, H.E.M. and Clouteau, D. "A comparison of prediction models for calculating vibrations from underground railway traffic" Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27(7):608-624
  28. 2006 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M., "Modelling of floating-slab track with discontinuous slab, part 1: response to oscillating moving loads", J Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 25(1), pp. 23-39. [http]
  29. 2006 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M., "Modelling of floating-slab track with discontinuous slab, part 2: response to moving trains", J Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 25(2), pp. 111-118. [http]
  30. 2006 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M., "Modelling of floating-slab tracks with continuous slabs under oscillating moving loads", J. Sound and Vib., 297(1-2), pp. 37-54. [http]
  31. 2006 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M., "Ground-borne vibration transmission from road and rail systems - Prediction and control", Handbook of noise and vibration control, ed Crocker, John Wiley and Sons. pp.1458 - 1469
  32. 2006 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M., "A power-flow method for evaluating vibration from underground railways", J Sound and Vib, 293(3-5), pp. 667-679. [http]
  33. 2006 Forrest, J.A. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A three-dimensional tunnel model for calculation of train-induced ground vibration ", J Sound and Vib, 294(4-5), pp. 678-705.
  34. 2006 Forrest, J.A. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Ground vibration generated by trains in underground tunnels", J Sound and Vib, 294(4-5), pp. 706-736.
  35. 2003 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "The effect of side-restraint bearings on the performance of base-isolated buildings", Proc I Mech E. Part C 217, 849-859
  36. 2003 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Isolation of buildings from rail tunnel vibration: a review", J. Building Acoustics, Vol 10(3) 177-192
  37. 2003 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A computationally efficient piled-foundation model for studying the effects of ground-borne vibration on buildings", Proc I Mech E. Part C 217, 975-989
  38. 2003 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A generic model for evaluating the performance of base-isolated buildings", J Low Frequency Noise , Vibration and Active Control, Vol 22(3) 149-160
  39. 2001 Hunt, H.E.M., "Damping of acoustic waves: High damping alloys and inorganic noise absorbing materials", Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier
  40. 2001 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "On the performance of base-isolated buildings", Building Acoustics, Vol.7(3) 163-178 (jointly awarded the John Winbolt prize 2001 for best Civil-Engineering-related journal paper, CUED)
  41. 2000 Marwala, T. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Fault detection using pseudo modal energies and modal properties", International Journal of Engineering Simulation 1, 4-10. ISSN: 1468-1137 (online at
  42. 1999 Marwala, T and Hunt, H E M, 'Fault identification using finite element models and neural networks', Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 13(3), pp475-490.
  43. 1997 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Settlement of railway track near bridge abutments', Proc Inst. Civil Engrs 123(1),68-73
  44. 1996 Hunt, H.E.M., 'A vibrating pig for measurement of depth of cover and span detection', Pipeline and Gas Journal, Vol. 223, No. 8, pp. 70-71
  45. 1996 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Modelling of rail vehicles and track for calculation of ground vibration transmission into buildings'; J Sound and Vib. 193(1) pp185-194.
  46. 1995 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Prediction of vibration transmission from railways into buildings using models of infinite length; Vehicle System Dynamics Supplement, Vol 24, 234-237.
  47. 1993 Brackenbury, J & Hunt, H, 'Jumping in springtails: mechanism and dynamics', J Zool, Lond 229, 217-236;
  48. 1993 Kopke, U.G. and Hunt, H E M , 'Identification of support condition of buried pipes using a vibrating pig' Proc. I. Mech. E. Part E 207, 29-40;
  49. 1993 Hunt, H E M, 'The mechanical strength of ceramic honeycomb monoliths as determined by simple experiments'; Trans I. Chem E. Part A, Vol 71 (A3), 257-266. Special topic issue on advanced materials;
  50. 1991 Newland, D E and Hunt, H E M, 'Isolation of buildings from ground vibration: a review of recent progress', Proc I Mech E. Part C 205, 39-52. (awarded Thomas Bernard Hall Prize from I.Mech.E for best paper);
  51. 1991 Hunt, H E M, 'Modelling of road vehicles for calculation of traffic-induced ground vibration as a random process', J Sound and Vib 144(1), 41-51;
  52. 1991 Hunt, H E M, 'Stochastic modelling of traffic-induced ground vibration', J Sound and Vib 144(1), 53-70;
  53. 1991 Hunt, H E M, 'Transmission of vibration into vibration-isolated buildings', J Low Frequency Noise and Vibration, Vol 10(3), 72-77;

Conference Papers

  1. 2014 Verachtert, R., Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M. "Changes in railway unevenness after the installation of in-track vibration countermeasures", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
  2. 2014 Hamad, W,I., Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M. and Talbot, J.P. "Tunnel-soil-pile interaction in the prediction of vibration from underground", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
  3. 2013 Kuo, K.A., Jones, S., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt. H.E.M., "Recent developments in the Pipe-in-Pipe model for underground-railway vibration predictions", Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise, Uddevalla, Sweden;
  4. 2013 Hussein M.F.M., Hunt H.E.M., Kuo K.A., Costa P.A. and Barbosa J, "The dynamic effect of a piled-foundation building on an incident vibration field from an underground railway tunnel" 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Bangkok, ICSV2013, 2:1594-1601
  5. 2013 Cosello, H. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Wave dispersion and power flow analysis of an infinite aerofoil-shaped beam" 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Bangkok, ICSV2013, 2:1594-1601
  6. 2013 Kuo K.A., Hunt, H.E.M. and Lister, J.R. "Vibration of pressurised, elastic, spherical shells", 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Bangkok, ICSV2013, 4:3513-3519
  7. 2012 Jain, S., Whiteley, P.E. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Detection of planet bearing faults in wind turbine gearboxes", Proceeding of the International Conference in Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2012). 4361-4372
  8. 2012 Costello, H., Kuo, K.A. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Select this elementStability analysis of an aerodynamically shaped high-altitude-balloon tether", Proceeding of the International Conference in Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2012). 3003-3012
  9. 2012 Jain, S., Whiteley, P.E. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Determining vibration signature of a defective planet bearing in a wind turbine epicyclic gearbox", 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius ICSV2012 4:2722-2729
  10. 2012 Costello, H., Kuo, K.A. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Select this elementQuantification of the benefits of a streamlined tether for a high-altitude-tethered balloon", 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius ICSV2012 4:2950-2957
  11. 2012 Kuo, K.A., Woodhouse, J. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Select this elementThe modes of a tethered, spherical balloon", 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius ICSV2012 1:161-168
  12. 2012 Hunt, H.E.M, Kuo, K.A., Costello, H. and Shaw, R.A. "Vibration of a high-altitude tethered balloon with application to climate engineering", 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius ICSV2012 1:670-688
  13. 2012 Burgoyne, C.J., Hunt, H.E.M., Davidson, P. and Causier, M.L.T. "Structures for Stratospheric Particle Injection" IASS-IABSE Symposium, London
  14. 2011 Jain, S. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Skidding behaviour of angular contact ball bearings under combined radial and axial loads, and time-varying operating conditions". 38th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology. Awarded the Maurice Godet Award "Young Scientist Best Contribution".
  15. 2011 (Invited Keynote Paper) Hunt, H.E.M., Kuo, K.A., Costello, H. and Davidson, P.J., "Tethered aerostats: the dynamic behaviour of an aerodynamic tether with application to geoengineering", Proceedings of EuroDyn, Leuven July 2011
  16. 2011 Jones, S., Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Prediction inaccuracies and uncertainties associated with common assumptions in modelling vibration from underground railways", Proceedings of EuroDyn, Leuven July 2011
  17. 2011 Jain, S. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Vibration response of a wind-turbine planetary gear set in the presence of a localized planet bearing defect", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011 7(PARTS A AND B):943-952
  18. 2010 Jones, S. and Hunt, H.E.M. "Simulating ground vibration from underground railways through subsiding soil layers", Proceedings of The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, January 2010
  19. 2010 Jones, S. and Hunt, H.E.M. " Inhomogeneous soils and their effect on ground vibration due to underground railways", Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Sound and Vibration, Cairo, 18-22 July 2010
  20. 2010 Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M, Jones, S. and Kuo, K.A. "Ground-borne vibration from underground railways: Some commonly-made modelling assumptions and their associated inaccuracies and uncertainties" Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. 32: 593-600
  21. 2010 Coulier, P., G Degrande, G., K Kuo, K.A. and Hunt, H.E.M. "A comparison of two models for the vibration response of piled foundations to inertial and underground-railway-induced loadings " Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Sound and Vibration, Cairo, 18-22 July 2010
  22. 2010 Hunt, H.E.M., "Simple, yet puzzling, problems in vibration ", ICCCBE Nottingham, April 2010
  23. 2010 Coulier, P., Beckers, M., Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M. and Degrande, G. "Vibrational discomfort in buildings", Transport Research Arena Conference, Brussels 7-11 June 2010
  24. 2009 Kuo, K.A., Hunt, H.E.M., "Axial vibration of piled foundations: a fast-running model". Proceedings of EuroNoise 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland
  25. 2009 Jones, S., Hunt, H.E.M., "Uncertainty in predicting ground vibration from underground railways: the effect of voids around tunnels on the response due to a moving load". Proceedings of EuroNoise 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland
  26. 2009 Jones, S., Hunt, H.E.M. "The effect of inclined soil layers on surface vibration from underground railways using a semi-analytical approach". J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 181 [PDF]
  27. 2009, Kuo, K.A., Hunt, H.E.M. "The role of structural foundations in transmission of vibration from underground railways". Proceedings of ICSV16, Krakow, Poland
  28. 2009 Jones, S., Hunt, H.E.M. "The effect of voids around underground railway tunnels on ground vibration". Proceedings of ICSV16, Krakow, Poland
  29. 2009 Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt. H.E.M., "A software application for calculating vibration due to moving trains in underground railway tunnels". Proceedings of NOVEM 2009, Oxford, UK
  30. 2009 Jones, S., Hunt, H.E.M., "The effect of soil uncertainty on surface vibration due to underground railways: a semi-analytical approach". Proceedings of NOVEM 2009, Oxford, UK
  31. 2009 Kuo, K.A., Hunt, H.E.M., "Back to the future: how dynamic pile models published 30 years ago can be used to answer questions on underground railways". Proceedings of NOVEM 2009, Oxford, UK
  32. 2008 Smith, R and Hunt, H.E.M., "Vibration of bell towers excited by bell ringing - a new approach to analysis" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 2008.
  33. 2008 Jones, S., Hunt, H.E.M., "Effect of inclined soil layers on vibration from underground railways". Proceedings of ISMA 2008, Leuven, Belgium
  34. 2008 Kuo, K.A., Hunt, H.E.M., "'Vibration in piled foundations due to trains in underground railway tunnels". Proceedings of ISMA 2008, Leuven, Belgium
  35. 2008 Kuo, K.A, Jones, S. Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., "Application of PiP: Vibration of embedded foundations near a railway tunnel". Proceedings of EuroDyn 2008, Southampton, England
  36. 2007 Rikse, L., Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M. and Degrande, G. "A model for calculating vibration from a railway tunnel buried in a full-space including rigid bedrock". 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, July 2007.
  37. 2007 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M, "The PiP model, a software for calculating vibration from underground railways", 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, July 2007.
  38. 2007 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M, "Modelling of floating-slab tracks with discontinuous slabs in underground railway tunnels", 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, July 2007.
  39. 2007 (Invited Keynote Paper) Hunt, H.E.M., "Counter-intuitive Problems in Dynamics and Vibration" ACAM Brisbane Australia
  40. 2006 Gupta, S., Fiala, P., Hussein, M.F.M., Chebli, H., Degrande, G., Auguszinovicz, F., Hunt, H.E.M., and Clouteau, D., "A numerical model for ground-borne vibrations and reradiated noise in buildings from underground railways", ISMA2006 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, September 2006.
  41. 2006 Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Chebli, H., Clouteau, D., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A numerical model for prediction of vibration from underground railways". 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Los Angeles, USA, July 2006
  42. 2006 Hussein, M.F.M., Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M, "An efficient model for calculating vibration from a railway tunnel buried in a half-space" , 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, Austria, July 2006.
  43. 2006 Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Othman, R., Clouteau, D., Hussein M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A coupled periodic FE-BE model for ground-borne vibrations from underground railways", 3rd European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2006.
  44. 2005 Gupta, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Klein, R. Degrande, G., and Hunt, H.E.M, "A comparison of prediction models for vibrations from underground railway traffic", 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005 [PDF]
  45. 2005 Hunt, H.E.M, "Variable-mass technology for the reduction of hand-arm vibration in pneumatic tools", 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
  46. 2005 Hunt, H.E.M, "Modelling of rail roughness for the evaluation of vibration-isolation measures", 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
  47. 2004 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M, "A power-flow method for evaluating vibration from underground railways", 8th Int. Workshop on Railway Noise, Buxton, UK, 2004, 1, pp. 189-200. [PDF]
  48. 2004 Talbot, J.P., Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., "A prediction tool for optimisation of maintenance activity to reduce disturbance due to ground-borne vibration from underground railways", 8th Int. Workshop on Railway Noise, Buxton, UK, 2004, 2, pp. 409-420. [PDF]
  49. 2004 Hussein, M.F.M and Hunt, H.E.M, "Dynamic effect of slab discontinutiy on underground moving trains", 11th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, St Petersburg, 5-8 July 2004 [PDF]
  50. 2003 Hussein, M.F.M, Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M, "Insertion Loss Models for evaluating the performance of vibration counter-measures for underground railways", 10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, 7-10 July 2003 [PDF]
  51. 2003 Hussein, and Hunt, H.E.M, "An Insertion Loss Model for evaluating the performance of floating-slab track for underground railway tunnels", 10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, 7-10 July [PDF]
  52. 2003, Hussein, M.F.M, Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M, "Control of Vibration from Underground Rail Traffic", 6th World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR), Edinburgh,UK, September 2003, poster.
  53. 2002 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "A generic model for evaluating the performance of base-isolated buildings", Tenth International Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control, York, UK.
  54. 2002 (Invited Keynote Paper) , Hunt, H.E.M., "Ground vibration from man-made sources", Keynote address, 9th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, University of Central Florida, 8-11 July 2002.
  55. 2000 Talbot, J.P. and Hunt, H.E.M., "An energy method for assessing the performance of base-isolated structures", NOVEM2000, Lyon Congress Centre, 31 August - 2 September 2000, CDROM
  56. 2000 Hunt, H.E.M., "Floating slab track for vibration reduction: why simple models don't work", Proc. 7th Int Congress on Sound and Vibration, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, July 2000. CDROM
  57. 2000 Hunt, H.E.M., "Base-isolation of buildings: a review", Acoustics 2000: Research into Practice, Ins Acoustics Spring Conference, University of Liverpool, 17-18 April 2000.
  58. 2000 Marwala, T. and Hunt, H.E.M., 'Probabilistic fault identification using vibration data and neural networks', Proceedings of the IMAC-XVIII 674-680 (2000), San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  59. 2000 Marwala, T. and Hunt, H.E.M., 'Feasibility of damage detection using vibration data in a population of cylinders', Proceedings of the IMAC-XVIII 1577-1583 (2000), San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  60. 1999 Hunt, H E M, 'The effectiveness of floating-slab track for railways in tunnels', London Autorities Rail Impact Forum: Vibrational from railways, 28 September 1999, Ripley Arts Centre.
  61. 1999 Forrest, J.A. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Ground vibration due to trains in underground railway tunnels", Proc. 6th Int Congress on Sound and Vibration, Denmark, July 1999. CDROM
  62. 1999 Marwala, T. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Fault identification using a committee of neural networks", Identification in Engineering Systems, Proc 2nd Int. Conf, Swansea March 1999, pp102-111.
  63. 1997 Varughese,S., Hunt, H.E.M. and Muhr, A , "Dynamic behaviour of elastomeric railpads", International Conference on Rubbers, Calcutta, Dec 12-14;
  64. 1997 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Observations on the performance of vibration-isolated railway track', Proc. 16th ASME Bienniel Conf. on Vibration and Noise, Sacramento September 1997. CDROM
  65. 1997 Hunt, H.E.M. and May, J.E., 'Vibration generated by underground railway trains', Proc. 5th Int Congress on Sound and Vibration, Adelaide.
  66. 1996 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Measurement of pipeline support using a vibrating pig'; Proc. 4th Int Congress on Sound and Vibration, St Petersburg.
  67. 1996 Hunt, H.E.M. and Newland D.E., 'The effect of variable foundation properties on railway-track vibration'; Proc. 4th Int Congress on Sound and Vibration, St Petersburg.
  68. 1996 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Track settlement adjacent to bridge abutments', Vehicle-Infrastructure Interaction, San Diego
  69. 1995 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Monitoring of offshore pipelines using forced transverse vibration: Data analysis'; Proc. 15th ASME Bienniel Conf. on Vibration and Noise, Boston. Vol.3 Part A pp.1373-79
  70. 1995 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Modelling of structures of infinite extent for calculation of vibration transmission'; Proc. Int. Congress MV2, Lyon 5-6 Oct. Vol. 1 pp. 187-99
  71. 1994 Hunt, H.E.M., 'Vibration transmission into base-isolated buildings using the dynamic-stiffness-matrix method'; Proc 3rd Int Congress Air & Structure Borne Sound and Vibration (Int. Sci. Publ.), Montreal, June;
  72. 1992 Hunt, H.E.M. and Kopke, U.G., 'A vibrating pig for monitoring the support condition of buried and subsea pipelines', Pipeline Pigging and Integrity Monitoring Conference, Amsterdam, Pipes and Pipelines Int;
  73. 1991 Hunt, H E M and Kopke, U G, 'Dynamic condition monitoring of buried gas pipes', Proc. Int. Mech. Eng. Congress Mech'91, IEAust, Sydney July, Conference 6 (Maintenance Engineering) 48-52;
  74. 1991 Hunt, H E M, 'Transmission of vibration into vibration-isolated buildings', Proc. Sixth Int. Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration, Leiden. September 1991;
  75. 1990 Hunt, H E M and Cryer, D P, 'Site and laboratory experiments on vibration transmission', Proc. Inst. Acoustics, Vol. 12: Part 7, pp.39-50;
  76. 1989 Hunt, H E M, 'Stochastic modelling of vehicles for calculation of ground vibration', Proc. 11th IAVSD-Symposium - The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, 298-309;
  77. 1988 Hunt, H E M, 'Traffic-induced ground vibration', Proc. Inst. Acoustics, vol.10:Part 2, pp.493-500;
  78. 1987 Hunt, H E M, 'Modelling of traffic-induced ground vibration by random process theory', Proc.Int. Conf. Traffic Effects on Structures and Environment, High Tatras, Czechoslovakia, December, pp.361-366;

Letters and Editorials

  • 2005 Hunt, H E M, "Vibration - seventy years on", International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol.10(5), September 2005
  • 2000 Marwala, T. and Hunt, H.E.M., "Is damage identification using vibration data in a population of cylinders feasible?", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Nov 2000;
  • 2000 Hunt, H E M, "Noise from cars, noise from trains, noise from planes", International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol.5(1), March 2000

    Other Publications

  • 1988 Hunt, H E M, 'Measurement and modelling of traffic-induced ground vibration', PhD thesis Cambridge Univ;
  • 1988 Hunt, H E M, 'Dynamic condition monitoring of buried gas pipes', Report for British Gas Engineering Research Station, University of Cambridge, October;
  • 1984 Hunt, H E M, 'The extrusion of cling films', ICI technical report, Melbourne, August;

    Popular Press

    2014 "In a spin", New Scientist, Last Word 2013 "Ticks and Tocks, Sir", New Scientist, Last Word 2013 "Pedal or Push?", New Scientist, Last Word 2012 "On the line", New Scientist, Last Word 2012 "Concertina cars", New Scientist, Last Word 2010 "Speed Freaks", New Scientist, Last Word 2010 "Timely question", New Scientist, Last Word 2009 "Surround Sound", New Scientist, Last Word 2008 "Ice Maths", New Scientist, Last Word 2007 "cable Clingers", New Scientist, Last Word 2007 "Highly Sprung", New Scientist, Last Word 2007 "How much force is required to stop the world spinning?", New Scientist, Last Word 2007 "Like Falling Off ...", New Scientist, Last Word 2006 "Like Falling Off ...", New Scientist, Last Word 2006 "Burger Bending", New Scientist, Last Word 2006 "Crash Course", New Scientist, Last Word 1995 "Silly Cone", New Scientist, Last Word

    Web Publications

  • 1999 "Unspinning the boomerang",
  • 1999 "Galloping Gyroscopes",


  • 2010 Patent application UK2476518, 'Atmospheric Delivery System: Apparatus and method for transporting particles into the atmosphere'
  • 1995 'Pipeline Pig and Method of Pipeline Inspection', Patent granted in U.S.A. US5385049 issue date 31 Jan 1995, and Australia.
  • 1985 'Core for Cling Film Rolls', Patent specification, Australia, Canada, Europe EPO Patent EP0177332

    Students Supervised for Higher Degrees

  • 1992 Bhaskar, A, 'damping in mechanical vibrations: new methods of analysis and estimation', PhD;
  • 1992 Kopke, U G, 'Condition monitoring of buried gas pipes using a vibrating PIG', PhD;
  • 1994 Cryer, D P, 'Modelling of vibration in buildings with application to base isolation', PhD;
  • 1994 Lo, K T, 'Measurement and modelling of vibration transmission through piled foundations', PhD;
  • 1995 Ng, S L D, 'Transmission of ground-borne vibration from surface railway trains', PhD;
  • 1999 Forrest, J A, 'Modelling of ground vibration from underground railways', PhD.
  • 2001 Marwala, T 'Fault identification using neural networks and vibration data', PhD
  • 2002 Talbot, J P, 'Base isolation of buildings', PhD
  • 2005 Hussein, M F M, 'Vibration from Underground Railways', PhD
  • 2008 Rikse, L, 'Subway-Induced Vibrations', MSc Leuven
  • 2010 Jones, S, 'Uncertainty in prediction of railway vibration', PhD
  • 2010 Kuo, K A, 'Pile models for calculation vibration transmission into buildings', PhD
  • 2010 Beckers, M, 'Incorporating geometric features into the PiP model for subway induced vibrations', MSc Leuven
  • 2010 Coulier, P, 'The vibration response of piled foundations to inertial and underground railway induced loadings', MSc Leuven
  • 2012 Jain, S, 'Failure of wind-turbine gearboxes', PhD
  • 2012 Coene, J, 'The PiP model', MSc Leuven
  • 2013 Verachtert, 'Rail Roughness Modelling', MSc Leuven
  • 2014 Costello, H, 'Dynamics of an aerodynamic tether', PhD
  • 2016 Futoryanova, V, 'Mistuning of turbocharger wheels', PhD
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