

class  Array< T >
 IDIL Array class. More...

Array informations

template<class T>
long size (const Array< T > &a)
 Returns the size of the Array (read only).
template<class T>
long * dim (const Array< T > &a)
 Returns the dimension of the Array. It can be used in reading or writing mode (take care !).
template<class T>
Array< T > & redim (Array< T > &t, Array< long > &d)
 Set the dimension of the array. Should be consistant with the array size.
template<class T>
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, Array< T > &a)
 streaming operator <<.
template<class T>
Array< T > & insitu (Array< T > &t)
 Tells IDIL that t can be used to store the results of further computations.
template<class T>
Array< T > & exsitu (Array< T > &t)
 Cancels the command insitu. Ex: exsitu(sin(insitu(t))).

Search elements

Array< long > & where (const Array< bool > &t)
 Retrun an array of the indices where t is true. Ex: w = where(a==0).
template<class T>
long find (const Array< T > &t, T e, long fi=-1)

Type conversion

template<class T, class T2>
Array< T > & conv (Array< T2 > &t)
 Convert numeric or string Array to integer Array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & conv (Array< string > &t)
template<class T>
Array< string > & sconv (Array< T > &t)
 Convert an Array of any type to a string Array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & getField (Array< string > &s, int field)
 Build an Array of type T containing only a given field of each original string.
#define iconv   conv<int>
 Convert numeric or string Array to integer Array.
#define lconv   conv<long>
 Convert numeric or string Array to long int Array.
#define fconv   conv<float>
 Convert numeric or string Array to float Array.
#define dconv   conv<double>
 Convert numeric or string Array to double float Array.

Creation from a list of elements

template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1)
 Create a vector of size 1.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2)
 Create a vector of size 2.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3)
 Create a vector of size 3.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4)
 Create a vector of size 4.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4, const T &x5)
 Create a vector of size 5.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4, const T &x5, const T &x6)
 Create a vector of size 6.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4, const T &x5, const T &x6, const T &x7)
 Create a vector of size 7.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4, const T &x5, const T &x6, const T &x7, const T &x8)
 Create a vector of size 8.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4, const T &x5, const T &x6, const T &x7, const T &x8, const T &x9)
 Create a vector of size 9.
template<class T>
Array< T > & vect (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4, const T &x5, const T &x6, const T &x7, const T &x8, const T &x9, const T &x10)
 Create a vector of size 10.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1)
 Create a vector of size 1.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2)
 Create a vector of size 2.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3)
 Create a vector of size 3.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3, const float &x4)
 Create a vector of size 4.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3, const float &x4, const float &x5)
 Create a vector of size 5.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3, const float &x4, const float &x5, const float &x6)
 Create a vector of size 6.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3, const float &x4, const float &x5, const float &x6, const float &x7)
 Create a vector of size 7.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3, const float &x4, const float &x5, const float &x6, const float &x7, const float &x8)
 Create a vector of size 8.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3, const float &x4, const float &x5, const float &x6, const float &x7, const float &x8, const float &x9)
 Create a vector of size 9.
Array< float > & vect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &x3, const float &x4, const float &x5, const float &x6, const float &x7, const float &x8, const float &x9, const float &x10)
 Create a vector of size 10.
template<class T>
Array< T > & matrix2x2 (const T &x11, const T &x21, const T &x12, const T &x22)
 Create a matrix 2x2.
template<class T>
Array< T > & matrix3x3 (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3, const T &x4, const T &x5, const T &x6, const T &x7, const T &x8, const T &x9)
 Create a matrix 3x3 (C-style index).
template<class T>
Array< T > & tensor3x3 (const T &x11, const T &x22, const T &x33, const T &x21=0, const T &x31=0, const T &x32=0)
 Create a symmetric tensor 3x3.
template<class T>
Array< T > & rotationMatrix (float wx, float wy, float wz, float ang)

Data generators

template<class T>
Array< T > & indgen (long s)
 The function indgen<type>(s) generates an Array of any nuneric type where the value of each element is its index.
Array< int > & iindgen (long s)
 Generates an Array of integers where the value of each element is its index.
Array< long > & lindgen (long s)
 Generates an Array of long where the value of each element is its index.
Array< float > & findgen (long s)
 Generates an Array of float where the value of each element is its index.
Array< double > & dindgen (long s)
 Generates an Array of double where the value of each element is its index.
template<class T>
Array< T > & xgen (long sx, long sy, long sz=1, long sc=1, long st=1)
 The function xgen<type> generates an Array of any nuneric type where the value of each element is its index in the x dimension.
template<class T>
Array< T > & ygen (long sx, long sy, long sz=1, long sc=1, long st=1)
 The function ygen<type> generates an Array of any nuneric type where the value of each element is its index in the y dimension.
template<class T>
Array< T > & zgen (long sx, long sy, long sz=1, long sc=1, long st=1)
 The function ygen<type> generates an Array of any nuneric type where the value of each element is its index in the z dimension.
template<class T2, typename T>
Array< T2 > & xgen (Array< T > &t)
 The function xgen<type> generates, using the dimensions of the array t, an Array of any nuneric type where the value of each element is its index in the x dimension.
template<class T2, typename T>
Array< T2 > & ygen (Array< T > &t)
 The function ygen<type> generates, using the dimensions of the array t, an Array of any nuneric type where the value of each element is its index in the y dimension.
template<class T2, typename T>
Array< T2 > & zgen (Array< T > &t)
 The function zgen<type> generates, using the dimensions of the array t, an Array of any nuneric type where the value of each element is its index in the z dimension.
template<class T, int N>
Array< T > & gen (T e,...)
 Generates an Array containing the N listed elements.

Array I/O

template<class T>
int idilType ()
template<class T>
void write (string fname, Array< T > &t)
 Save the Array t as an ASCII file (1D).
int idilType< bool > ()
int idilType< char > ()
int idilType< unsigned char > ()
int idilType< short > ()
int idilType< unsigned short > ()
int idilType< int > ()
int idilType< unsigned int > ()
int idilType< long > ()
int idilType< unsigned long > ()
int idilType< float > ()
int idilType< double > ()
template<class T>
void save (string fname, Array< T > &t, string name="", string comment="")
 Save the Array t using the IDIL binary fileformat (.idil).
template<typename T>
Array< T > & load (string fname)
 Load an array using the IDIL binary fileformat (.idil). The type of the array should be known, using load<float>("file.idil").
template<class T>
void write (char *fname, Array< T > &t)
 Save the Array t as an ASCII file (1D).
Array< string > & read (char *fname)
 Read from an ASCII file, and return its content as an Array of string, one string per line on the file.
Array< string > & read (string fname)
 Read from an ASCII file, and return its content as an Array of string, one string per line on the file.

Reorder elements

template<class T>
Array< T > & sort (Array< T > &t)
 Sort the elements of the Array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & randomShuffle (Array< T > &t)
 Randomly re-orders the elements of the Array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & shift (Array< T > &t, long s)
 Shift the elements of the Array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & shift (Array< T > &t, long sx, long sy)
 Shift the elements of the 2D Array or an image.
template<class T>
Array< T > & reverse (Array< T > &t)
 Returns an Array with the elements in reverse order.
template<typename T>
Array< T > & transpose (Array< T > &im)
 Transpose a matrix or an image.

Add/Remove elements

template<class T, class T2>
Array< T > & insertElement (Array< T > &t, long index, T2 value)
 Insert an elements in the Array.
template<typename T>
Array< T > & replicate (const Array< T > &t, int n)
 Repeat an array n times.
template<class T>
Array< T > & removeElement (Array< T > &t, long index)
 Remove an elements from the Array. If the index does not exist, it returns a copy of the array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & removeElements (Array< T > &t, Array< long > &index)
 Remove a list of elements from the Array.
template<class T, class T2>
Array< T > & insertRow (Array< T > &t, long index, T2 value)
 Insert a new line in the Array.
template<class T, class T2>
Array< T > & insertRow (Array< T > &t, long index, Array< T2 > &value)
 Insert a new row in the Array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & removeRow (Array< T > &t, long index)
 Remove a row from a 2D Array. If the line number does not exist, it returns a copy of the array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & removeRows (Array< T > &t, Array< long > &index)
 Remove a list of rows from the Array.
template<class T, class T2>
Array< T > & insertColumn (Array< T > &t, long index, T2 value)
 Insert a new column in the Array.
template<class T, class T2>
Array< T > & insertColumn (Array< T > &t, long index, Array< T2 > &value)
 Insert a new column in the Array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & removeColumn (Array< T > &t, long index)
 Remove a columns from a 2D Array. If the line number does not exist, it returns a copy of the array.
template<class T>
Array< T > & removeColumns (Array< T > &t, Array< long > &index)
 Remove a list of columns from the Array.

Detailed Description

Array class and basic Array operations.

Function Documentation

template<class T>
long find ( const Array< T > &  t,
long  fi = -1 
) [inline]

Returns the index if the first occurence of e in the array t.

template<class T>
int idilType (  )  [inline]

template<typename T>
Array<T>& replicate ( const Array< T > &  t,
int  n 
) [inline]

Repeat an array n times.

t : image Array,
n : repetition number Returns the resulting array.

template<class T>
Array<T>& shift ( Array< T > &  t,
long  sx,
long  sy 
) [inline]

Shift the elements of the 2D Array or an image.

 shift(a,sx,sy)[i,j] = a[i+sx,j+sy] 

template<class T>
Array<T>& shift ( Array< T > &  t,
long  s 
) [inline]

Shift the elements of the Array.

 shift(a,s)[i] = a[i+s] 

template<typename T>
Array<T>& transpose ( Array< T > &  im  )  [inline]

Transpose a matrix or an image.

im : image Array, Returns the transposed image.

Generated on Fri Oct 24 18:41:59 2008 for IDIL by  doxygen 1.5.5