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Installation on Windows (DevCpp/MinGW)

IDIL can be used with any windows compiler. The following section describes the full installation process for the open source Dev-C++ environment and GNU mingw compiler that we recommend. It is free and easy to set up...

1. Download and install the compiler and programming environment.

- Keep the default option for the install directory ("C:\Dev-Cpp\"). Having spaces in the folder name, as in "Program Files", can make things a bit complicated...

- After the installation, start the environment. You can refuse during the first setup to build the various table. This is not required. Then, please update the compiler (MinGW) runtime files... To do it, in the application menu, select "Tools" -> "check for updates/packages", select "" as a server, click on [Check for updates] and select in the list "MinGW runtime". Click on the button at the botom to download and install it.

2. Install the IDIL library.

There are two options to install the IDIL library:

option a. Download the full package which installs all the required and optional libraries (CImg, Boost, GSL, portaudio, libsndfile, Coin3D, etc...)

Just double-click on the file; the installation process is automated...

You should then be able to create a new IDIL project from the Dev-Cpp environment, or compile and run the example files of the tutorial (in construction...).


option b. (not recommended for a first install)... This only installs only the IDIL source code, assuming that the dependant libraries are already installed. This may be the best option for a quick update of the IDIL files only (if you want to use the latest IDIL headers, you can also directly get the file from the CVS repository on sourceforge). See the download section to get the files.

For convenience, here are links to required or optional dev-packs:

- Boost (required)
- GSL (recommended)
- Coin3D (optional)


Installation on Windows (VC7 - VC8 compilers)

A package containing the headers and precompiled libraries to use IDIL with Visual C++ 2003/2005 is also available for download. Currently, only CImg, boost and GSL are provided. It is left to the user to link with other libraries for 3D acceleration. The Microsoft Platform SDK needs to installed (this is free) if you are using the free version of Visual Studio Express Edition. Two examples are also provided.

warning: problem have been identified when using code optimization, in particular with the linear algebra functions using GSL/Blas. Using VC compilers, optimization should therefore be used with care.


Installation on Linux / OS X

Packages necessary to compile IDIL programs
Tested under Feisty Fawn 7.04 with IDIL version 0.0.9

GNU gcc-g++ compiler

X11 system library





Install SoXT from the tar.gz that can be found in

Warning :
SoXT is installed by default in the /usr/local repertory.
This led to trouble when executing the tutorial.
There are two ways to correct that :

1st method
Install SoXt with configure and make install.
Libraries and headers will be installed in /usr/local/
then type the following
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/

2d method
Install SoXt in the /usr repertory
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install



There is no automated installation for the IDIL headers at that stage (comming soon...).
Just copy or link the IDIL files in the /usr/include directory.

Typical makefile for linux are provided with the example files.