A general
body is analyzed to demonstrate the application of Newton's
laws to angular motion in 3-D
second law is applied to particle
i, giving:
this moments are taken about point P (note
that P is not
necessarily stationary):
result of this is summed over all particles in the body
total moment of momentum about P is given by:
this is differentiated with respect to time the following is
from equation
(A) is substituted
into the above equation it becomes:
The linear momentum,
of a body is given by:
can then be substituted into equation
(B) to
give a key result
= Total moment of
external forces
Rate of
change of total moment of momentum
= Velocity of point P
Total linear momentum
This is a
key equation when dealing with angular motion in 3-D
Accounts for the fact that the point P may be moving. If
P is at the
center of mass,
G or a
fixed point
the equation simplifies to:
Contrary to
laithwaite's claims angular motion in 3-D does
not have some
force all of its own, it can be described using the formula derived
from Newton's second law. This equation is used in the analysis of the
repeated Laithwaite videos and it can be seen that it holds for all
cases, therefore contrary to Laithwaite's claims Newton's laws of
motion apply to objects other than just those that travel in
straight lines where there is no rate of change of acceleration, they
must first be manipulated so they apply to angular motion of
bodies in 3-D.